
Thomas Mann: Democracy Will Win!

Commemorating Thomas Mann's series of lecture tours throughout the US from the late 1930s to the mid-1940s. The first of these tours began at Northwestern, where more than 4000 people came to hear him speak about liberal democracy.

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Aqui está o que você pode ter perdido

  • Imagem principal de Mann at the Movies: Mephisto

    Mann at the Movies: Mephisto

    Wed, Mar 1, 7:00 PM


  • Imagem principal de Mann at the Movies: Lotte in Weimar

    Mann at the Movies: Lotte in Weimar

    Wed, Feb 15, 7:00 PM


  • Imagem principal de Mann at the Movies: Death in Venice

    Mann at the Movies: Death in Venice

    Tue, Feb 7, 6:00 PM



Organizador de Thomas Mann: Democracy Will Win!