
IlluminAsia | Arts and Culture Festival

To commemorate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, join the National Museum of Asian Art’s IlluminAsia Festival. From May 10–12 celebrate, reflect, and foster connections through Asian arts and cultures!

Eventos nesta coleção

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Aqui está o que você pode ter perdido

  • Imagem principal de IlluminAsia | Mother's Day @ NMAA

    IlluminAsia | Mother's Day @ NMAA

    Sun, May 12, 12:00 PM


  • Imagem principal de IlluminAsia | An Evening with Madame Gandhi

    IlluminAsia | An Evening with Madame Gandhi

    Sat, May 11, 6:30 PM


  • Imagem principal de IlluminAsia | AANHPI Festival

    IlluminAsia | AANHPI Festival

    Sat, May 11, 12:00 PM



Organizador de IlluminAsia | Arts and Culture Festival
The Freer and Sackler Galleries together form the National Museum of Asian Art at the Smithsonian.