Lab2Market@Técnico Final Pitch & Prémio António Brandão de Vasconcelos
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Lab2Market@Técnico Final Pitch & Prémio António Brandão de Vasconcelos

The Lab2Market@Técnico Final Pitch is where innovative projects created by Técnico community present their path to the market.

Por Instituto Superior Técnico | Universidade Lisboa

Data e hora

qua, 5 de jun de 2024 14:00 - 17:00 WEST


Campus Alameda do Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais 1 1049-001 lisboa Portugal


1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Check-in & Welcome

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Opening interventions

Prof. Rogério Colaço - President of IST

Eng. Tiago Barroso - CEO of NTT DATA

Dra. Cecília Rodrigues - Vice-Rector of Lisbon Univ

Teams Mentors from NTT Data Portugal

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Teams Presentations

1. Sympathia Technologies from INESC-MN & IT | 2. StrataFox from DEEC & IT | 3. Nano4Fresh from CEQ | 4. Lampsy from IT | 5.Valuebug from CQE & DEQ

3:45 PM - 3:55 PM

Jury Panel Comments

Prof. Luis Caldas Oliveira - Técnico

Dr. Teresa Fiúza - Portugal Ventures

Dr. Pedro Fonseca - NTT DATA

4:15 PM - 4:20 PM

Award ceremony António Brandão Vasconcelos

4:20 PM - 4:30 PM

Closing Interventions

Dr. Pedro Fonseca - Principal Director of NTT Data

Prof. Pedro Amaral - Vice-Presidente of IST

Links & Drinks!

Acerca deste evento

  • 3 horas

Lab2Market@Tecnico Final Event

Welcome to the final event of Lab2Market@Técnico and 2nd edition of the António Brandão Vasconcelos Merit Award!

Over the past four months 5 teams of Técnico Students, Researchers and Professors had the opportunity to receive consultancy and training from consultants from NTT Data and I-deals, within the scope of the innovation acceleration program Lab2Market@Tecnico.

The objective of this program is to provide these teams with tools and skills that allow them to strategically explore their technology, leave the laboratory, talk to companies and present their project.

Join us in person at Instituto Superior Técnico (Centro de Congressos) for an exciting afternoon filled with innovation, networking, and inspiration. On this event you will get to know the resultas of the hard work, creativity, and dedication from this 5 teams, and find out in first hand the winning team of this year António Brandão Vasconcelos Merit Award!

Get ready to be amazed by the innovative solutions, followed by links & drinks!

Organizado por

O Técnico Lisboa é a maior Escola de Engenharia, Arquitetura, Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal e uma das 18 Escolas da Universidade de Lisboa, a maior universidade do país. O Técnico tem como missão contribuir para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, promovendo um Ensino Superior de qualidade e desenvolvendo atividades de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação, essenciais para o progresso do conhecimento, e para um ensino ao nível dos mais elevados padrões internacionais.