Apply for Lisboa - Welcome to Lisboa's entrepreneurial ecosystem

Apply for Lisboa - Welcome to Lisboa's entrepreneurial ecosystem

Why Lisboa is "Europe’s best work-and-play capital"?

Por Lisboa Unicorn Capital

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qua, 26 de jun de 2024 06:00 - 07:00 PDT



Acerca deste evento

With Lisboa's recent recognition as the European Capital of Innovation 🏆, there's never been a better time to explore all that Lisboa has to offer.

In this session we will cover the city context, startup landscape and how you can get started if you want to move here.

Lisboa Unicorn Capital is a place to get you updated about Lisboa's innovation scene and the one and only official community of Lisboa-based innovators. 🦄

Don't miss out — join us and become part of the Home of the Believers.

Organizado por

A Lisboa Unicorn Capital é marca e plataforma digital da CML para a inovação e empreendedorismo

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) - Politica de Privacidade